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The car was going a wild forty-five miles an hour across the open and as Macomber watched, the buffalo got bigger and bigger until be could see the gray ,hairless ,scabby look of one huge bull and how his neck was a part of his shoulders and the shiny black of his horns as he galloped a little behind the others that were strung out is that steady plunging gait; and then ,the car swaying as though it had just jumped a road, they drew up close and he could see the plunging hugeness of the bull ,and he could see the plunging hugeness of the bull, and the dust in his sparsely hair hide, the wide boss of horn and his outstretched, wide-nostril led muzzle, and he was raising his rifle when Wilson shouted,” Not from the car ,you fool!” and he had no fear, only hatred of Wilson, while the brakes clamped on and the car skidded ,plowing sideways to an almost stop and Wilson was out on one aside and he on the other ,stumbling as his feet hit the still speeding-by of the earth, and then he was shooting at the bull as he moved away, hearing the bullets whunk into him ,emptying his rifle at him as he moved steadily away, finally remembering to get his shots forward into the shoulder, and as he fumbled to reload, he saw the bull was down. Down on his knees, his big head tossing, and seeing the other two still galloping he shot at the leader and hit him .He shot again and missed and he heard the crayoning roar as Wilson shot and the leading bull slide forward onto his nose.


stumble v. 绊倒,蹒跚

fumble v. 笨拙地摸索






汽车以每小时45英里的疯狂速度越过开阔地,迈克博瞧着野牛越来越大,直至他能够看清一头灰色、无毛、皮上结痂的极大的公牛。它的脖子就是双肩的一部分,两只角黑得发亮,跑得比另外两只公牛稍后一点,它们以稳重的踊跃步伐跑成一行。接着,汽车晃动起来,就像刚刚从路上颠下来,他们越开越探测,迈克博能够看清往前冲的公牛的庞大身躯、牛毛衡少的牛皮上的尘土、牛角上的大瘤和突出且鼻孔硕大的牛鼻子。他举起来枪,威尔逊叫起来,当刹车被猛地一踩后,车轮打滑,冲向一边,还没停稳,威尔逊就从一边跳了下去,迈克博则从中一边跳出去,脚碰到还在急速后退的地面,绊了一下,接着他就向逃跑的公牛开槌,听到子弹嗖 地击中了它。他打光了子弹,牛还在稳步奔逃,终于他记起应该往前一点打肩膀。当他笨拙地装子弹时,它看见那只公牛倒下了,它跪在地上,巨大的脑袋摇晃着。看见另两只公牛还在奔逃,迈克博对着领头的开了一枪,打中了它。他又开了一枪,但没打中。当威尔逊开了一枪后,迈克博听到哞的一声吼叫,看见领头的那只公牛鼻子角地,向前裁倒在地上。


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